2010年11月30日 星期二

虛主詞 it (用法 九)

虛主詞it (用法 )
It take (sb) to V.
It costs (sb) to V.
Sb spend (/) (in) Ving
               on Sth


1.      It took him ten years to finish writing the book.
Writing that book took him ten years.
2.      It cost him one million dollars to buy that car.
Buying that car cost him one million dollars.
3.      He spent most of his time (in) teaching.
                    money (in) buying books.
                    earnings on food.

1.      有時時間與錢不一定是具體的。
It cost hime his life to save her. (他為了救她,他自己的命都丟了。)
2.      不特別指某人時,則省去人。
It takes courage to do that job. (做那工作需要勇氣。)
3.      通常有意地去花費才用spend
不能說 He spent two weeks to get over his cold. (×)

