2010年11月29日 星期一

虛主詞 it (用法一 ~ 四)

虛主詞 it (用法 )
seem, happen, chance等之用法

It seems/appears/happens/chances that S. V.
→ S seems/appears/happens/chances to V.


1.      It seems that he is angry. (好像他生氣了。)
→ He seems to be angry.
2.      It seemed that he didn’t like her. (好像他不喜歡她。)
→ He didn’t seem to like her.


1.      It seems that he was sick.
→ He seems to have been sick.
2.      It seems that he has been sick.
→ He seems to have been sick
3.      It seemed that they were enjoying themselvws.

(用法 ): 
It is S. C.  Ving                   It is no use his going there now.
(for Sb) to V.      It is useless (for him) to go there now.
that S. V.            It is useless that he goes there now.


1.      That women are poor drivers is open to question.
→ It is open to question that women are poor drivers.

(用法 )
It will be (long) before S. V. 要很久才
It won’t be (long) before S. V. 不久將 ……


1.      It will be long before we see each other again. (我們要很久才能再見面)
2.      It won’t be long before we see each other again. (我們不久就能再見面)

(用法 )
It is/was …… that …… .

說明:要加強句中某一部分時,可將此部分前移於第一空格,其餘置於第二空格,是為分裂句 (cleft sentence)

1.      I love you. (我愛你)
It is I that love you. (愛你的是我)
或→ It is you that I love. (我愛的是你)
2.      Several students got hurt while crossing th street yesterday.
It was several students that got hurt ……
It was while crossing the street that several students got hurt yesterday.
It was yesterday that several students ……

