2010年11月15日 星期一

文法班 (homework---代名詞)

1. I am always taking her sister        .
(A) be Mary (B) to be she (C) to be her (D) is Mary’s
2. Have you ever seen a whale alive? Yes, I’ve seen        .
(A) that (B) it (C) one (D) such
3. We should love        country.
(A) ourself (B) ourselves (C) our won (D) one’s own
4. I hurt        .
(A) myself (B) himself (C) themselves (D) me
5. You go your way and I go        .
(A) my (B) my way (C) mine (D) me
6. I saw the teacher        .
(A) him (B) me (C) yourself (D) himself
7. New cars are much more expensive than old        .
(A) car (B) one (C) ones (D) taxi
8.        will do you good to do some exercise every morning.
(A) It (B) There (C) Those (D) These
9. I have a dog.         Tail is very short.
(A) It’s (B) Its (C) Itself (D) Dog’s
10. It was        that came here at midnight.
(A) him (B) them (C) her (D) they
11. “ Whose hat is this ? “               .
(A) It’s mine (B) It’s me (C) It’s he (D) It’s him
12. This is my ticket and that is        .
(A) you (B) your (C) your’s (D) yours
13. I’m sorry I cannot find        of the two books you lent me.
(A) neither (B) each (C) either (D) any
14. Be kind to        .
(A) other (B) the others people (C) others (D) another
15.        came to see you yesterday.
(A) One friend of her (B) Her a friend (C) A friend of hers (D) A friend of her
16. Dick introduced        .
(A) Paul and Mary to him (B) himself to Paul and Mary (C) him with Paul and Mary (D) him to Paul and Mary
17. The cars made in Taiwan are generally cheaper than        imported.
(A) that (B) which (C) them (D) those
18. I don’t like this one ; please show me        .
(A) other (B) another (C) any (D) else
19. There are trees on        sides of the river.
(A) both (B) all (C) either (D) neither
20. We think        our duty to pay taxes to our government.
(A) that (B) this (C) its (D) it
21. To say is one thing and to do is        .
(A) other (B) the other (C) another (D) something
22. The climate of Taichung is better than        of Taipei.
(A) that (B) it (C) which (D) what
23.        are very intelligent.
(A) Both of them (B) Both them (C) Both they (D) The both
24. I have five sisters.  One is in the United States and        in Taiwan.
(A) the other (B) other (C) the others (D) others
25. Don’t speak ill of        behind their backs.
(A) other (B) the other (C) others (D) another
26. Take        easy as you study.
(A) on (B) that (C) this (D) it
27. His father would not let        go.
(A) we (B) it (C) he (D) him
28. The color of my coat is different from        of yours.
(A) this (B) that (C) these (D) those
29. The students of your school are more diligent than        .
(A) my school (B) these of ours (C) mine (D) those of mine
30. There are two white buildings on this street.  One is the library and        is the hospital.
(A) other (B) the other (C) the others (D) others
31. It doesn’t matter whether there is only coffee or tea.         will do.
(A) Any (B) Both (C) Any thing (D) Either
32. The long procession entered the hall one after        .
(A) the others (B) another (C) other (D) others
33. I saw him once, and        ten years ago.
(A) this (B) it (C) which (D) that
34. I sued to refresh        with a cup of tea.
(A) himself (B) myself (C) yourself (D) oneself
35. He believed there were no greener pastures than        close at hand.
(A) it (B) that (C) those (D) others
36. I am afraid that  that  won’t do. (複選)
(A) 是連接詞 (B) 是代名詞 (C) won’t do 的主詞
(D) 在句中絕對是多餘的
37. New and surprising things are always happening.  Sometimes these things excite
(A)                      (B)
people, and sometimes  it  confuse people or trouble them. (選錯)
                       (C)       (D)
38. After talking to Maria, John said that he had never met a  girl  as wise as  her .
(A)                                                  (B)             (C)                   (D) (選錯)
39. They did not object  to  anyone  but  Mary and  he . (選錯)
                           (A)    (B)             (C)                   (D)
40. The average speed of cars  is  much greater than those of motorcycles. (選錯)
               (A)                   (B)  (C)  (D)                      (E)

1. Please make yourself at home.
2. The city buses run every 15 minutes.
3. Don’t do to others what you would not have others do to you.
4. The lives of animals are in many ways like those of human beings.
5. He keeps himself vigorous by taking exercise.
6. 我有兩個朋友。一個是工程師,另一個是護士。
7. 從你家到飛機場有多遠?
8. 從我們學校到車站,走路要走兩小時。
9. 敬人者,人恆敬之。

