2010年11月30日 星期二

虛主詞 it (用法 十一)

虛主詞it (用法 十一)
Not until …… S. V.
be S.
It is / was not until …… that ……

說明:until之後出現的是時間副詞 (字、片語或子句),是否定開始,故主要子句要倒裝。

1.      Not until then did he realize that he was mistaken.
It was not until then that he realized that he was mistnaken.
2.      He did not know it until I told him.                                            
Not until I told him did he know it.
It was not until I told him that he know it.

虛主詞 it (用法 十)

虛主詞it (用法 )
It is / was / true that …… but …… (誠然…………)
Indeed ……… but ……


1.      It is ture that ( Indeed ) he is old, but he is still strong.
2.      It is true that money makes the mare go, but it is also the root of all evils.

句型與 (al)though……同義,先承認別人(或一般)的看法,再提出自己的主張。(al)though不得與but并用。本句型可用to be surebut 亦可用 yet, still,
如:He is old, to be sure, but he is still strong.

虛主詞 it (用法 九)

虛主詞it (用法 )
It take (sb) to V.
It costs (sb) to V.
Sb spend (/) (in) Ving
               on Sth


1.      It took him ten years to finish writing the book.
Writing that book took him ten years.
2.      It cost him one million dollars to buy that car.
Buying that car cost him one million dollars.
3.      He spent most of his time (in) teaching.
                    money (in) buying books.
                    earnings on food.

1.      有時時間與錢不一定是具體的。
It cost hime his life to save her. (他為了救她,他自己的命都丟了。)
2.      不特別指某人時,則省去人。
It takes courage to do that job. (做那工作需要勇氣。)
3.      通常有意地去花費才用spend
不能說 He spent two weeks to get over his cold. (×)

虛主詞 it (用法 八)

虛主詞it (用法 )
It will be (long) before S. V.    要很久才
It won’t be (long) before S. V.   不久將 ……


1.      It will be long before we see each other again. (我們要很久才能再見面。)
It won’t be long before we see each other. (我們不久就能再見面。)

2010年11月29日 星期一

虛主詞 it (用法 七)

虛主詞 it (用法 )
It makes no / little / some / much / a lot of difference wh子句
It doesn’t matter wh子句


1.      It makes no diffeence to me whether it rains or not.
2.      It makes a lot of difference who the umpire is. (誰當裁判有很大的關係。)
3.      It doesn’t matter how long you live, but how. (活多久不重要,重要的是怎麼活。)

本句型兩句之差別在於一是講 (有無)「差別」,一是講「關係」的大小 後者常見於否定句中。誇張一點時說 make a world of difference (有天淵之別)

虛主詞 it (用法 六)

虛主詞 it (用法 )
1.      It (never) occur (red) to somebody that S. V.
         It (never) occur (red) to somebody Wh S. V.
         It (never) occur (red) to somebody  to V.
2.      An idea occurs to /strikes somebody.
3.      Sb hits upon an idea.


1.      It never occurred to me that she is your sister. (我從未想到她是你妹妹。)
2.      Does it ever occur to you to go to see her ? (你有沒有想到要去看看她。)
3.      An idea struck me on my way here.
I hit upon an idea on my way here. (我來此的路上想到一個主意。)
It dawned upon me that she was making use of me. (我突然明白她是在利用我。)

虛主詞it (用法 五)

虛主詞it (用法 )
S. + think/find/consider/believe/count/guess + it + N./adj. + (Ving)/to V./that SV


1.      It find it easy to study English. (我發覺學英文很容易。)
It find it a pleasure to study English. (我發覺學英文是件樂事。)
2.      I think it necessary that you go and help him. (我想你必須去幫助他。)
3.      He considers it avirtue to be punctual. (他認為準時是一種美德。)
He considers it important that one should keep one’s promise. (他認為一個人守信很重要。)
4.      I want to make it clear to you that money is no object. (我要你明白,錢我們不計較。)

1.      理論上it亦可代替動名詞,但見到的機會不多。
2.      除表列動詞外,其他較少用到的還有suppose (認定), imagine (想像), feel (覺得), deem (認為), prove (證明), declare (宣稱) 等。
3.      部分動詞以名詞為受詞時,則不加虛字it,即有不定詞在後時,才加it,例:(1) His investment makes our plans possible. (他的投資使我們的計劃成功。)
 it possible for us to go on with our plans. (他的投資使我們得以繼續我們的
(2) He makes it a rule/practice/point to keep early hours.
He makes a rule /practice/point of keeping early hours.
4.      部分動詞在補語前要加一個as
He regards/looks upon/thinks of/refers to/acknowledges it as a natural right to
protecthimself. (他認為自衛是應有的權利。)
He regards/looks upon you as his best friend. (他把你看成他最好的朋友。)
5.      少數動詞+介詞後,可加虛受詞it而接wh之子句:
I count/rely/depend on it that you will help me. (我指望你幫助我。)

虛主詞 it (用法一 ~ 四)

虛主詞 it (用法 )
seem, happen, chance等之用法

It seems/appears/happens/chances that S. V.
→ S seems/appears/happens/chances to V.


1.      It seems that he is angry. (好像他生氣了。)
→ He seems to be angry.
2.      It seemed that he didn’t like her. (好像他不喜歡她。)
→ He didn’t seem to like her.


1.      It seems that he was sick.
→ He seems to have been sick.
2.      It seems that he has been sick.
→ He seems to have been sick
3.      It seemed that they were enjoying themselvws.

(用法 ): 
It is S. C.  Ving                   It is no use his going there now.
(for Sb) to V.      It is useless (for him) to go there now.
that S. V.            It is useless that he goes there now.


1.      That women are poor drivers is open to question.
→ It is open to question that women are poor drivers.

(用法 )
It will be (long) before S. V. 要很久才
It won’t be (long) before S. V. 不久將 ……


1.      It will be long before we see each other again. (我們要很久才能再見面)
2.      It won’t be long before we see each other again. (我們不久就能再見面)

(用法 )
It is/was …… that …… .

說明:要加強句中某一部分時,可將此部分前移於第一空格,其餘置於第二空格,是為分裂句 (cleft sentence)

1.      I love you. (我愛你)
It is I that love you. (愛你的是我)
或→ It is you that I love. (我愛的是你)
2.      Several students got hurt while crossing th street yesterday.
It was several students that got hurt ……
It was while crossing the street that several students got hurt yesterday.
It was yesterday that several students ……

2010年11月21日 星期日

文法班 (虛主詞 It)

《虛主詞 It
1.      他碰巧認識那位警察。
2.      你好像對這計劃很感興趣。
3.      他好像知道很多關於他們的事。
4.      咸信他是被謀殺的。
5.      此地離車站有多遠?
6.      我畢業已有十年了。
7.      她抱怨也是很自然的。
8.      想請先生幫你忙是沒有用的。
9.      你拒絕他的提議是不智之舉。
10.  聖經上說,我們要愛我們的仇敵。
11.  貧而無諂,不如富而好禮。
12.  中國字很難寫嗎?
13.  我們要很久才能再見面。
14.  我們不久就能再見面。
15.  他們過了十八年才又見面。
16.  要受責怪的是你。
17.  他們要尋找的不是你,是她。
18.  一直到他回來我才離開。(not until)
19.  只有懶散的人才一再抱怨他沒有時間。
20.  令我擔心的是,他很粗心。
21.  我最不喜歡台北的地方是,交通總是一團糟。
22.  我們認為學生用功唸書是很重要的。
23.  她發覺規則地運動有益身心。(healthful)
24.  他認為學生自動自發是很重要的。
25.  我以為你當然會去參加她的婚禮。(take)
26.  他規定自己每個月寫一封信給父母。(rule)

2010年11月15日 星期一

文法班 (homework---代名詞)

1. I am always taking her sister        .
(A) be Mary (B) to be she (C) to be her (D) is Mary’s
2. Have you ever seen a whale alive? Yes, I’ve seen        .
(A) that (B) it (C) one (D) such
3. We should love        country.
(A) ourself (B) ourselves (C) our won (D) one’s own
4. I hurt        .
(A) myself (B) himself (C) themselves (D) me
5. You go your way and I go        .
(A) my (B) my way (C) mine (D) me
6. I saw the teacher        .
(A) him (B) me (C) yourself (D) himself
7. New cars are much more expensive than old        .
(A) car (B) one (C) ones (D) taxi
8.        will do you good to do some exercise every morning.
(A) It (B) There (C) Those (D) These
9. I have a dog.         Tail is very short.
(A) It’s (B) Its (C) Itself (D) Dog’s
10. It was        that came here at midnight.
(A) him (B) them (C) her (D) they
11. “ Whose hat is this ? “               .
(A) It’s mine (B) It’s me (C) It’s he (D) It’s him
12. This is my ticket and that is        .
(A) you (B) your (C) your’s (D) yours
13. I’m sorry I cannot find        of the two books you lent me.
(A) neither (B) each (C) either (D) any
14. Be kind to        .
(A) other (B) the others people (C) others (D) another
15.        came to see you yesterday.
(A) One friend of her (B) Her a friend (C) A friend of hers (D) A friend of her
16. Dick introduced        .
(A) Paul and Mary to him (B) himself to Paul and Mary (C) him with Paul and Mary (D) him to Paul and Mary
17. The cars made in Taiwan are generally cheaper than        imported.
(A) that (B) which (C) them (D) those
18. I don’t like this one ; please show me        .
(A) other (B) another (C) any (D) else
19. There are trees on        sides of the river.
(A) both (B) all (C) either (D) neither
20. We think        our duty to pay taxes to our government.
(A) that (B) this (C) its (D) it
21. To say is one thing and to do is        .
(A) other (B) the other (C) another (D) something
22. The climate of Taichung is better than        of Taipei.
(A) that (B) it (C) which (D) what
23.        are very intelligent.
(A) Both of them (B) Both them (C) Both they (D) The both
24. I have five sisters.  One is in the United States and        in Taiwan.
(A) the other (B) other (C) the others (D) others
25. Don’t speak ill of        behind their backs.
(A) other (B) the other (C) others (D) another
26. Take        easy as you study.
(A) on (B) that (C) this (D) it
27. His father would not let        go.
(A) we (B) it (C) he (D) him
28. The color of my coat is different from        of yours.
(A) this (B) that (C) these (D) those
29. The students of your school are more diligent than        .
(A) my school (B) these of ours (C) mine (D) those of mine
30. There are two white buildings on this street.  One is the library and        is the hospital.
(A) other (B) the other (C) the others (D) others
31. It doesn’t matter whether there is only coffee or tea.         will do.
(A) Any (B) Both (C) Any thing (D) Either
32. The long procession entered the hall one after        .
(A) the others (B) another (C) other (D) others
33. I saw him once, and        ten years ago.
(A) this (B) it (C) which (D) that
34. I sued to refresh        with a cup of tea.
(A) himself (B) myself (C) yourself (D) oneself
35. He believed there were no greener pastures than        close at hand.
(A) it (B) that (C) those (D) others
36. I am afraid that  that  won’t do. (複選)
(A) 是連接詞 (B) 是代名詞 (C) won’t do 的主詞
(D) 在句中絕對是多餘的
37. New and surprising things are always happening.  Sometimes these things excite
(A)                      (B)
people, and sometimes  it  confuse people or trouble them. (選錯)
                       (C)       (D)
38. After talking to Maria, John said that he had never met a  girl  as wise as  her .
(A)                                                  (B)             (C)                   (D) (選錯)
39. They did not object  to  anyone  but  Mary and  he . (選錯)
                           (A)    (B)             (C)                   (D)
40. The average speed of cars  is  much greater than those of motorcycles. (選錯)
               (A)                   (B)  (C)  (D)                      (E)

1. Please make yourself at home.
2. The city buses run every 15 minutes.
3. Don’t do to others what you would not have others do to you.
4. The lives of animals are in many ways like those of human beings.
5. He keeps himself vigorous by taking exercise.
6. 我有兩個朋友。一個是工程師,另一個是護士。
7. 從你家到飛機場有多遠?
8. 從我們學校到車站,走路要走兩小時。
9. 敬人者,人恆敬之。