2011年1月25日 星期二


※Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,using the
word given "unchanged".You must use between two and five words,including the word given.
1 Sarah is a better swimmer than Jessica.
Swim      Jessica doesn't_____________Sarah.
2 Mark and Tony are equally tall.
height      Mark is_____________TonY.
3 Jane is more enthusiastic about sports than Brendan is.
keen      Brendan isn't_____________Jane is.
4 The baby's temperature kept rising,so we took him to hospital.
higher      The baby's temperature was_____________,so we took him to hospital.
5 None of our teachers is less punctual than Mrs Evans.
least      Mrs Evans is_____________all our teachers.
6 Jill had never been on a longer flight than this before.
such      Jill had never been_____________before.
7 Patrick doesn't usually forget his appointments
like      It is_____________his appointments
8 Jenny does not work as hard as her sister Kathy.
hardworking      Kathy is_____________the two sisters.
9 As it got darker,we had more difficulty seeing.
harder      The darker_____________it was for us to see.
10 His new trousers are identical to mine.
exactly      His new trousers are_____________mine.
11 Daniel is the worst cook I've ever known.
cook      None of the people I know_____________Daniel.
12 I can't believe this is the cheapest watch they have.
must      They_____________this one.
13 We are taking the train to Oxford tomorrow morning.
going      We are_____________tomorrow morning.
14 I couldn't find a bigger house in the area.
the      This was_____________I could find in the area.
15 Lucas studies for two hours each day while his brother studies for at least four.
half      Lucas studies_____________his brother.
16 The children's performance made quite an impression on us.
rather      We were_____________the children's performance.
17 Jeremy doesn't run as fast as Jonathan
so      Jeremy is not_____________Jonathan.
18 We shared an interest in stamp collecting.
common      what we_____________was an interest in stamp collecting.
※Read the next below and look carefully at each line.Some of the lines are correct,and some
have a word which should not be there.If a line is correct,put a tick(ˇ)in the space next to
it,If a line has a word which shouldn't be there,write the word in the space provided.
1 When I was young,my mother loved to boast about me,I was her      _______.ˇ
2 favourite child and she used to say I was the very best student in the      _______.
3 school.For some reason,she thought I was more cleverer than all my      _______.
4 classmates and even of my elder brothers,Whenever she started      _______.
5 boasting about my achievements,I would get the most annoyed,      _______.
6 but there was nothing I could say or do to stop her.I remember one      _______.
7 day when she offered to take me to school by the car.We stopped at      _______.
8 a set of two traffic lights and my mum saw a friend of hers.      _______.
9 saying hello,she told her about my talent for the music and that no-one      _______.
10 could play the violin like as well as I could.However,My mother's      _______.
11 freind didn't seem very much impressed.Another day,while shopping      _______.
12 at the supermarket,we met a neighbour by an accident.My mum      _______.
13 started telling her about how I got the highest of grades in different      _______.
14 subjects,and especially in the English.she said that I had excellent      _______.
15 knowledge of the language and that I was the rather most intelligent      _______.
16 child she had ever known.I then innocently asked what an intelligent meant.      _______.
17 Only now that I am much older do I realise why they were both left speechless!      _______.

