2011年1月25日 星期二


1.Should the need__________,we'll order more food for the extra guests
2.The charity orgnization__________enough money to build a shelter for the refugees.
3.The sun__________in the east and sets in the west.
4.we__________at seven every weekday to get ready for school.
5.Can you__________the table so that I can slide the rug underneath?
grow/grow up/bring up/breed/(be)born/become.
1.My friend__________Siamese cats and then sells them.
2.Parents always say how quickly their childern__________and__________adults.
3.In the last six months Joe has__________taller by 15 centimetres.
4.When Brett was__________,he weighd 3.8 kilograms.
5.Most parents have fond memories of the years they were__________their childern.
6.When Jean__________,she wants to__________a mechanical engineer.
7.TO__________an interpreter you need to be fluent in at least two languages.
1.My four-year-old niece already__________to tie her shoelaces
2.I always__________a book just before I go to sleep.
3.Jhon was__________in France,so his French is very good.
4.Michelle works in the gym__________people how to use the equipment properly.
5.IN my final year I had to__________at least four hours everyday to__________everything that
was required for the exams.
6.I__________physics and maths at the local high school.
7.The examiner__________us to pick up our pens once we had__________the questions carefully.
8.A lot of famous artists have__________themselves how to paint.
behaviour/attitude temper/mood/manner/manners.
1.My parents had to see the headmaster because of my bad__________in class.
2.Alter the arguement Jake was in a bad__________and wouldn't speak to anyone.
3.If betty wants to keep her job,she must change her__________towards her boss.
4.Where did you learn such excellent table__________?
5.The children like him because of his gentle__________.
6.Cliff is so clam that I have never seen him lose his__________.
7.What you're saying should be done in a professional__________.
8.The zoologist was studying the__________of tigers in their natural habitat.
1.A typical__________of firm cheese is its tough and leathery texture.
2.Kate has a very open__________which makes her very likeable.
3.We have to lift Bill's__________because he's been feeling down lately.
4.It's not in Vicki's__________to hurt anyone.
5.David has relly attractive facial__________.
6.The most important__________of the newly designed car is the dual airbags.
7.The two brothers had totally different__________.
1.I hope you're__________of the dangers involved in rock climbing.
2.Is anyone in this classroom__________with the word"incubator"?
3.I'm sorry I'm late,but I was__________of the meeting only an hour ago.
4.That woman looks__________to me.I'm sure I've seen her before.
5.Paul is feeling tired because he's not__________to working for so long without a break.
6.Mr Wilson was not there but his secretary was wellon the matter and helped us out.
1.Going to work has become a daily__________for most people.
2.The general__________for men in the 1970s was to have long hair and sideburns.
3.Christine has made it a__________to run ten kilometres per day.
4.In many countries it is the__________to roast turkey for christmas.
5.Sandra has the bad__________of biting her nails.
6.slightly flared trousers are in__________this year so many people are wearing them.
7.If you go shopping,definitely go to Blare's.They've got all the latest__________.
1.It is__________to feel weak when you are ill,even if you've just got a__________cold.
2.It's__________for toddlers to run around causing havoc.
3.__________exercise means working out for one hour at least twice a week.
4.It was a(n)__________weekend.We went to the cinema on saturday evening and for a drive on
sunday morning,as__________.
5.I get on very well with my friends because we have many things in__________.
1.Einstein is__________for his theory of relativity.
2.The new scheme has proved to be enormously__________among young teenagers.
3.Jack the Ripper was a__________English criminal.
4.Penny's black eye has__________enough for everyone to ask her how she got it.
5.We'll go to your__________restaurant tomorrow,OK?
1.Each person's fingerprints,are__________.It's impossible to have the same ones as amyone else.
2.My family was away on sunday,so I was homeall day.The__________interesting thing I could do
was read a book.I didn't even receive a(n)__________call from anybody,so I felt very__________.
3.At that party,I started chatting with a man who was sitting__________.I thought he was__________,
but later evening he introduced me to his wife.
1.I am__________to help you with your homework if you make an effort.
2.He's really__________on heavy metal music.That's all his listens to.
3.please sit down as I'm__________to start the meeting.
4.Billy is a(n)__________tennis player,so he plays tennis every afternoon.
5.Sheila is__________in taking up gardening this spring.
6.We were__________about going to Ireland for Christmas.
1.An__________desert lay before our eyes.
2.The government promised that the price of oil would remain__________for the rest of the year.
3.I don't want to work as a__________secretary because I will be changing lobs every few months
I would like a__________secretarial position which would ensure a__________monthly income.
4.A lot of people feel under__________pressure to lose weight.
5.If you don't hold the camera__________,the photo will be blurred.
6.The__________rattling noise coming from the factory had started to get on my nerves.
7.After a number of unsuccessful relationships,Joanne is finally in a__________one.
8.I've had a__________backache for the last two weeks.
9.Some people have left a__________impression on me and have influenced my way of thinking.

