2011年1月25日 星期二

文法概念/比較級/最高級 ~感謝陸開明同學幫忙整理

The train is cheaper than the plane.√
The train is cheaper from the plane.X
Your story is funnier than mine.√
Your story is more amusing than mine√
Your story is more funnier than mine.X
Your house is as big as mine√
Your house is as bigger as mine.X
(as+positive degree+as)
The children were very excited about the trip.
(positive meaning)
The children were too excited about the trip.
(negative meaning - excessively)
Lisa is a very/pretty/rather careful driver.
(a/an+very/pretty/rather+positive degree of adj+noun)
Lisa is a quite a careful driver.
(quite+a/an+positive degree of adj+noun)
Lisa drives very/pretty/quite/rather carefully.
(very/pretty/quite/rather+positive degree of adv)
Lisa is rather/much/a little/a bit/a lot/far more careful than Tim√
Lisa drives rather/much/a little/a bit/a lot/far more carefully than Tim√
Lisa is very/pretty/quite more careful than Tim.X
Lisa drives very/pretty/quite more carefully than Tim.X
(rather/much/a little/a bit/a lot/far+comparative degree of adj/adv)
Mary is the tallest girl in her class√
(the+superlative,for several people/things)
Both Mary and sheila are tall,but Mary is the taller of the two. 
(the+comparative,for only two people/things)
Both mary and sheila are tall,but Mary is the tallest of the two.X
★That's my elder/eldest brother.
(only for brothers.sisters.sons.daughters)
That's my older/oldest brother.√
My brother is a year older than me.√(older+than)
My brother is a year elder than me.X
(no than after elder)
★He spoke like a lawyer.√(=as if he were a lawyer;he isn't) as if:如同
He spoke as a lawyer.√(=he is a lawyer)
He spoke as he was advised to.(as+clause)
He spoke like he was advised to.X

John gave me some important information.
John gave me some important informations.X
(uncountable nouns have no plural forms.)
John gave me an important informations.X
John gave me an important piece of information.
(no a/an immediately before uncountable nouns.)
The news was really shocking.√
The news were really shocking.X
(uncountable nouns go with singular verbs)

Key Transformations

Fiona is taller than Gina.
Gina is shorter than Fiona.
Gina is not as tall as Fiona.
Andrew smokes more than John.
John smokes less than.
John does not smoke as much as Andrew.
John is not such a heavy smoker as Andrew.
John is not so/as heavy a smoker as Andrew.
This is the fastest car I have ever driven.
I have never driven such a fast car.
I have never driven a faster car than this(one).
I have never driven a car as fast as this(one).
None of the cars I have driven is/are faster than this(one).
None of the cars I have driven is/are as fast as this(one).
She is the worst singer I know.
She is/sings worse than any (other) singer I know.
No other singer I know is as bad as her/she is.
No other singer I know sings as badly as her/she does.
The atmosphere is becoming more polluted by the day.
The atmosphere is becoming more and more polluted.
His behaviour is becoming more sensible as he get older.
The older he gets,the more sensible his behaviour becomes.
The older he gets,the more sensibly he behaves.

He hasn't got much furniture in his new flat.
He has got very little furniture in his new flat.
He has got very few pieces of furniture in his new flat.
George is not usually late.
It is not typical of George to be late.
It is not like George to be late.
Your bicycle looks exactly like mine.
Your bicycle is exactly the same as mine.
Your bicycle is identical to mine.

