2011年1月25日 星期二


※Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,using the
word given "unchanged".You must use between two and five words,including the word given.
1 Sarah is a better swimmer than Jessica.
Swim      Jessica doesn't_____________Sarah.
2 Mark and Tony are equally tall.
height      Mark is_____________TonY.
3 Jane is more enthusiastic about sports than Brendan is.
keen      Brendan isn't_____________Jane is.
4 The baby's temperature kept rising,so we took him to hospital.
higher      The baby's temperature was_____________,so we took him to hospital.
5 None of our teachers is less punctual than Mrs Evans.
least      Mrs Evans is_____________all our teachers.
6 Jill had never been on a longer flight than this before.
such      Jill had never been_____________before.
7 Patrick doesn't usually forget his appointments
like      It is_____________his appointments
8 Jenny does not work as hard as her sister Kathy.
hardworking      Kathy is_____________the two sisters.
9 As it got darker,we had more difficulty seeing.
harder      The darker_____________it was for us to see.
10 His new trousers are identical to mine.
exactly      His new trousers are_____________mine.
11 Daniel is the worst cook I've ever known.
cook      None of the people I know_____________Daniel.
12 I can't believe this is the cheapest watch they have.
must      They_____________this one.
13 We are taking the train to Oxford tomorrow morning.
going      We are_____________tomorrow morning.
14 I couldn't find a bigger house in the area.
the      This was_____________I could find in the area.
15 Lucas studies for two hours each day while his brother studies for at least four.
half      Lucas studies_____________his brother.
16 The children's performance made quite an impression on us.
rather      We were_____________the children's performance.
17 Jeremy doesn't run as fast as Jonathan
so      Jeremy is not_____________Jonathan.
18 We shared an interest in stamp collecting.
common      what we_____________was an interest in stamp collecting.
※Read the next below and look carefully at each line.Some of the lines are correct,and some
have a word which should not be there.If a line is correct,put a tick(ˇ)in the space next to
it,If a line has a word which shouldn't be there,write the word in the space provided.
1 When I was young,my mother loved to boast about me,I was her      _______.ˇ
2 favourite child and she used to say I was the very best student in the      _______.
3 school.For some reason,she thought I was more cleverer than all my      _______.
4 classmates and even of my elder brothers,Whenever she started      _______.
5 boasting about my achievements,I would get the most annoyed,      _______.
6 but there was nothing I could say or do to stop her.I remember one      _______.
7 day when she offered to take me to school by the car.We stopped at      _______.
8 a set of two traffic lights and my mum saw a friend of hers.      _______.
9 saying hello,she told her about my talent for the music and that no-one      _______.
10 could play the violin like as well as I could.However,My mother's      _______.
11 freind didn't seem very much impressed.Another day,while shopping      _______.
12 at the supermarket,we met a neighbour by an accident.My mum      _______.
13 started telling her about how I got the highest of grades in different      _______.
14 subjects,and especially in the English.she said that I had excellent      _______.
15 knowledge of the language and that I was the rather most intelligent      _______.
16 child she had ever known.I then innocently asked what an intelligent meant.      _______.
17 Only now that I am much older do I realise why they were both left speechless!      _______.

文法概念/比較級/最高級 ~感謝陸開明同學幫忙整理

The train is cheaper than the plane.√
The train is cheaper from the plane.X
Your story is funnier than mine.√
Your story is more amusing than mine√
Your story is more funnier than mine.X
Your house is as big as mine√
Your house is as bigger as mine.X
(as+positive degree+as)
The children were very excited about the trip.
(positive meaning)
The children were too excited about the trip.
(negative meaning - excessively)
Lisa is a very/pretty/rather careful driver.
(a/an+very/pretty/rather+positive degree of adj+noun)
Lisa is a quite a careful driver.
(quite+a/an+positive degree of adj+noun)
Lisa drives very/pretty/quite/rather carefully.
(very/pretty/quite/rather+positive degree of adv)
Lisa is rather/much/a little/a bit/a lot/far more careful than Tim√
Lisa drives rather/much/a little/a bit/a lot/far more carefully than Tim√
Lisa is very/pretty/quite more careful than Tim.X
Lisa drives very/pretty/quite more carefully than Tim.X
(rather/much/a little/a bit/a lot/far+comparative degree of adj/adv)
Mary is the tallest girl in her class√
(the+superlative,for several people/things)
Both Mary and sheila are tall,but Mary is the taller of the two. 
(the+comparative,for only two people/things)
Both mary and sheila are tall,but Mary is the tallest of the two.X
★That's my elder/eldest brother.
(only for brothers.sisters.sons.daughters)
That's my older/oldest brother.√
My brother is a year older than me.√(older+than)
My brother is a year elder than me.X
(no than after elder)
★He spoke like a lawyer.√(=as if he were a lawyer;he isn't) as if:如同
He spoke as a lawyer.√(=he is a lawyer)
He spoke as he was advised to.(as+clause)
He spoke like he was advised to.X

John gave me some important information.
John gave me some important informations.X
(uncountable nouns have no plural forms.)
John gave me an important informations.X
John gave me an important piece of information.
(no a/an immediately before uncountable nouns.)
The news was really shocking.√
The news were really shocking.X
(uncountable nouns go with singular verbs)

Key Transformations

Fiona is taller than Gina.
Gina is shorter than Fiona.
Gina is not as tall as Fiona.
Andrew smokes more than John.
John smokes less than.
John does not smoke as much as Andrew.
John is not such a heavy smoker as Andrew.
John is not so/as heavy a smoker as Andrew.
This is the fastest car I have ever driven.
I have never driven such a fast car.
I have never driven a faster car than this(one).
I have never driven a car as fast as this(one).
None of the cars I have driven is/are faster than this(one).
None of the cars I have driven is/are as fast as this(one).
She is the worst singer I know.
She is/sings worse than any (other) singer I know.
No other singer I know is as bad as her/she is.
No other singer I know sings as badly as her/she does.
The atmosphere is becoming more polluted by the day.
The atmosphere is becoming more and more polluted.
His behaviour is becoming more sensible as he get older.
The older he gets,the more sensible his behaviour becomes.
The older he gets,the more sensibly he behaves.

He hasn't got much furniture in his new flat.
He has got very little furniture in his new flat.
He has got very few pieces of furniture in his new flat.
George is not usually late.
It is not typical of George to be late.
It is not like George to be late.
Your bicycle looks exactly like mine.
Your bicycle is exactly the same as mine.
Your bicycle is identical to mine.


1.Should the need__________,we'll order more food for the extra guests
2.The charity orgnization__________enough money to build a shelter for the refugees.
3.The sun__________in the east and sets in the west.
4.we__________at seven every weekday to get ready for school.
5.Can you__________the table so that I can slide the rug underneath?
grow/grow up/bring up/breed/(be)born/become.
1.My friend__________Siamese cats and then sells them.
2.Parents always say how quickly their childern__________and__________adults.
3.In the last six months Joe has__________taller by 15 centimetres.
4.When Brett was__________,he weighd 3.8 kilograms.
5.Most parents have fond memories of the years they were__________their childern.
6.When Jean__________,she wants to__________a mechanical engineer.
7.TO__________an interpreter you need to be fluent in at least two languages.
1.My four-year-old niece already__________to tie her shoelaces
2.I always__________a book just before I go to sleep.
3.Jhon was__________in France,so his French is very good.
4.Michelle works in the gym__________people how to use the equipment properly.
5.IN my final year I had to__________at least four hours everyday to__________everything that
was required for the exams.
6.I__________physics and maths at the local high school.
7.The examiner__________us to pick up our pens once we had__________the questions carefully.
8.A lot of famous artists have__________themselves how to paint.
behaviour/attitude temper/mood/manner/manners.
1.My parents had to see the headmaster because of my bad__________in class.
2.Alter the arguement Jake was in a bad__________and wouldn't speak to anyone.
3.If betty wants to keep her job,she must change her__________towards her boss.
4.Where did you learn such excellent table__________?
5.The children like him because of his gentle__________.
6.Cliff is so clam that I have never seen him lose his__________.
7.What you're saying should be done in a professional__________.
8.The zoologist was studying the__________of tigers in their natural habitat.
1.A typical__________of firm cheese is its tough and leathery texture.
2.Kate has a very open__________which makes her very likeable.
3.We have to lift Bill's__________because he's been feeling down lately.
4.It's not in Vicki's__________to hurt anyone.
5.David has relly attractive facial__________.
6.The most important__________of the newly designed car is the dual airbags.
7.The two brothers had totally different__________.
1.I hope you're__________of the dangers involved in rock climbing.
2.Is anyone in this classroom__________with the word"incubator"?
3.I'm sorry I'm late,but I was__________of the meeting only an hour ago.
4.That woman looks__________to me.I'm sure I've seen her before.
5.Paul is feeling tired because he's not__________to working for so long without a break.
6.Mr Wilson was not there but his secretary was wellon the matter and helped us out.
1.Going to work has become a daily__________for most people.
2.The general__________for men in the 1970s was to have long hair and sideburns.
3.Christine has made it a__________to run ten kilometres per day.
4.In many countries it is the__________to roast turkey for christmas.
5.Sandra has the bad__________of biting her nails.
6.slightly flared trousers are in__________this year so many people are wearing them.
7.If you go shopping,definitely go to Blare's.They've got all the latest__________.
1.It is__________to feel weak when you are ill,even if you've just got a__________cold.
2.It's__________for toddlers to run around causing havoc.
3.__________exercise means working out for one hour at least twice a week.
4.It was a(n)__________weekend.We went to the cinema on saturday evening and for a drive on
sunday morning,as__________.
5.I get on very well with my friends because we have many things in__________.
1.Einstein is__________for his theory of relativity.
2.The new scheme has proved to be enormously__________among young teenagers.
3.Jack the Ripper was a__________English criminal.
4.Penny's black eye has__________enough for everyone to ask her how she got it.
5.We'll go to your__________restaurant tomorrow,OK?
1.Each person's fingerprints,are__________.It's impossible to have the same ones as amyone else.
2.My family was away on sunday,so I was homeall day.The__________interesting thing I could do
was read a book.I didn't even receive a(n)__________call from anybody,so I felt very__________.
3.At that party,I started chatting with a man who was sitting__________.I thought he was__________,
but later evening he introduced me to his wife.
1.I am__________to help you with your homework if you make an effort.
2.He's really__________on heavy metal music.That's all his listens to.
3.please sit down as I'm__________to start the meeting.
4.Billy is a(n)__________tennis player,so he plays tennis every afternoon.
5.Sheila is__________in taking up gardening this spring.
6.We were__________about going to Ireland for Christmas.
1.An__________desert lay before our eyes.
2.The government promised that the price of oil would remain__________for the rest of the year.
3.I don't want to work as a__________secretary because I will be changing lobs every few months
I would like a__________secretarial position which would ensure a__________monthly income.
4.A lot of people feel under__________pressure to lose weight.
5.If you don't hold the camera__________,the photo will be blurred.
6.The__________rattling noise coming from the factory had started to get on my nerves.
7.After a number of unsuccessful relationships,Joanne is finally in a__________one.
8.I've had a__________backache for the last two weeks.
9.Some people have left a__________impression on me and have influenced my way of thinking.