2010年12月2日 星期四

虛主詞 it (answer)

虛主詞 it ------ answer
1.      He happened to know that policeman.
2.      You seem to be interested in this plan/project.
3.      It seems/appears that he knows a lot about them.
4.      It is believed that he has been murdered /assassinated.
5.      How far is it from here to the station ?
6.      It is ten years since I graduated.
7.      It’s only natural for her to complain.
8.      It’s no use asking Mr. Wang to help you.
9.      It’s unwise of you to reject his offer.
10.  It says in the Bible that we should love our enemies.
11.  It is better to be rich with courtesy than to be poor without fawning.
12.  Is it difficult to write Chinese characters  
(or : Are Chinese characters hard to write ?)
13.  It will be long before we see each other again.
14.  It won’t be long before we see each other.
15.  It was eighteen years before they met again.
16.  It is you that are to blame.
17.  It is she, not you, that they are looking for.
18.  It was not until he came back that I left.
19.  It is only the idle that complain all the while that they have no time.
20.  What worries me is that he is careless.
21.  What I dislike most about Taipei is that the traffic is always in a mess.
22.  We consider it very important that students should work hard.
23.  She finds it healthful to take regular exercise.
24.  He considers it vital for the students to have the initiative.
25.  I took it for granted that you would certainly go to her wedding.
26.  He makes it a rule to write a long letter to his parents every month.